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A Guide to Iridology


Iridology is a simple science and a wonderful tool to get a barometer on your lymphatic system and genetic weaknesses.

With iridology, know that there's only 2 eye colors: brown and blue


Green, yellow, orange, hazel, white, and black are not true eye colors of humans.

The right iris represents the right side of the body, and the left iris covers the left s
ide of the body.

You'll notice the iris chart is flipped from the right eye to the left eye, but they not not entirely identical as there's certain differences between both sides of the body: The liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are on the right side, the appendix, cecu
m, and ascending colon are also on the right side of the body, and the right lung has 3 lobes instead of 2 like the left lobe.   The left eye will have the spleen, heart, solar plexus, descending colon, sigmoid, rectum, and anus.  

There's 4 main stages every eye is in: acute, subacute, chronic, and degenerative. 


The bundle of fibers in the eye that we examine for genetic and lymphatic issues is called the trabecula.













An acute eye would turn a blue eye somewhat white.  Subacute turns a blue eye green or light hazel.  Chronic turns a blue eye dark hazel or even brown. Degenerative turns an eye dark brown or even black. 






Acute, subacute, chronic, and degenerative weaknesses in the eye would correspond to a crater, "crypt" or "lacuna" in the particular area of weak tissue.  The degree of how deep the crater is correlates to the degree of cellular weakness. 

The deeper the lacuna, the deeper the stage of weakness for that particular tissue.













A true brown eye should be light brown.  As we progress to the degenerative state, then we get to darker shades of brown.











Any orange in an eye is sulfur.  Sulfur is a major fungal attractor.  Many people that have a history of taking prescription drugs have tons of sulfur in their bodies as most prescription drugs are sulfur drugs.

When reviewing any iris, you will be looking at 2 thin
gs: Cells and Lymph fluid.


Raised fibers = lymphatic problems

Decayed (receded) fibers = genetic weakness

Any cellular or genetic weakness would show in an eye as a deep little crater called a "lacuna" or "crypt."  

Any raised fibers in this iris is a product of lymphatic swelling.  As lymph swells tissues in the body, it will raise the corresponding section of the iris.


As the body heals and genetics strengthen, any crater or lacuna can heal and appear to be "sewing" itself back up.


Think of assessing an eye as you would a clock.  Divide the eye into 12 symmetrical sections just like a clock, and assess each hour quadrant to the corresponding section in the eye chart pictured at the bottom of the page.  Always make sure you are assessing the correct eye on the chart, either the right or left eye.

When identifying a particular tissue on an eye, you have to allow for flexibility for pinpointing a tissue as the tissue may sometimes be a few degrees off of what the chart shows.  Sometimes it's hard to pinpoint exactly what tissue is down in an eye as the lacuna borders many regions.  In those cases, we can refer back to the client and use their assessment and symptoms to guide the analysis.

Wavy fibers in the iris indicate parathyroid weakness.  You can find the parathyroid at the 2:30 position on the right eye and at the 9:30 position on the left eye.  It's marked "P.T." in the Iris chart below.

Your bowels represent the large inner circle around the pupil.  You will see a prominent shade of yellow or brown around most peoples' eyes reflecting their bowels.  The bowel wall is the line around that inner circle that is extremely easy to notice in most Americans today.  You'll see that bowel walls that have sharp edges, peaks, valleys, and zigzags galore, indicating severe hernias, swelling, ballooning, and/or constriction in one's GI Tract.  Basically, the bowel wall will look like a sunburst or explosion instead of a nice circular line around the pupil encapsulating the bowels.

The sclera around an eye can also give indication of the acidic state of the person as well.  Tons of veins is yet another giveaway of how acidic the person is under the hood.  The more red the "whites" of the eye are, the more acidic the person is.

Nerve rings
: "Off color" rings throughout the iris that actually reflect the true color of one's eyes.  They signify neurological weakness in a person and is a dead giveaway of adrenal gland weakness as those glands power the autonomic nervous system.

Skin rings: A dark rim around the iris represents your skin and shows how backed up lymphatically your skin is.  Skin issues will further compound one's ability to sweat  (on top of hypothyroidism) and compound one's already severe kidney problems.  Remember that the skin is the 3rd kidney and the largest eliminative organ in the body.

Cholesterol rings: A blue hue around an iris reflects severe cholesterol plaquing in the body.  It's a sure sign the person will develop Cataracts in the near future.

That's the basic gist of Iridology.  Pretty simple, huh?  Exactly.  Such a simple science and tool rejected by Allopathy.  Oh well, their loss.



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