Working With Me As A Client
Phone number: 770-904-9143
Feel free to call, text, e-mail, or use my website's Chat feature at the bottom right of the screen anytime regarding any and all health topics.
I am always accepting new clients and am willing to answer any and all questions no matter how small.
What you get working with me: A clinical perspective on your health issues to include herbal protocols, iridology analysis, diet modification, and lifestyle advice.
My goal for you: To get your kidneys filtering, remove the underlying cause of your symptoms, and put you on the path to wellness as cheaply and quickly as possible.
My philosophy as a healer: God doesn't need my good works, my neighbor does.
I am a Level 2 Detox Specialist with Iridology training from Dr. Morse's International School of the Healing Arts.
I have been immersed in the field of Detoxification for 7+ years, and I've interacted with Dr. Morse's staff since late 2017. My last appointment with a counselor was with Jessica Levy in September 2023.
I aspire to be the best healer I can possibly be, and part of the equation is knowledge in Detoxification of the Lymphatic System. That truly is the golden key to one's healing.
I don't charge for anything, period.
I'm not in this field for my own personal gain or glory. I'm trying to make this world better in any way I can, but I recognize there is a price for freedom and truth.
I will never recommend a product or service that I financially or socially benefit from in any way, period.
I'm also offering life advice and coaching given the sheer amount of young men and women with parents that actively failed to guide, nurture, and lead them.
I've been blessed to recognize my calling to be a healer. Where I go from here with that calling, I don't know. What I do know is that I must establish the reputation of a healer, and part of that is working with anyone suffering.
I can have appointments over the phone and via Skype, Zoom or Google Meet, whatever you prefer.
Typically, Google Meet is the easiest platform to conduct a call as I can simply send you an e-mail invite for you to join.
I can engage with you simply over e-mail or text and send you answers to your questions and create a protocol for you or give more insights on the herbal formulas for your particular condition.
I try to have appointments as quickly as possible and as late into the night as needed to fit your schedule.
Please download and fill out the client questionnaire at the bottom of the page as thoroughly as you can.
I specifically modified the form to not ask for your full last name or complete address. Your privacy is respected and upheld to the greatest extent possible.
I will NEVER sell or disclose ANY of your personal information to ANY party for ANY reason.
Your trust is something I never want to lose.
The more information provided on your health history will help me in understanding the patterns therein. If you don't want to fill out the form, please at least give me a paragraph or two of your health issues. The more information I can receive on your health, the better insight I can give.
If I don't have an answer to your health issue, I'll find one for you as soon as possible.
Always remember the Golden Key to man's suffering: The Lymphatic System!
Send me your Iris photo via e-mail or even text me a photo or two if you have one or can get one. Nowadays, phones like the Samsung Galaxy S23 and iPhone 15 have excellent cameras that can take eye photos just as well as expensive Iridology cameras from a few years ago. I can read your eye photo right there with you on the call or provide a summary of my findings at a later time.
Some sample questions/statements during our meeting:
What are you suffering from?
What are some areas of your health that you want to improve?
How stressful is your lifestyle?
What is the biggest stressor in your life right now?
How familiar are you with Dr. Morse's teachings on detoxification?
What is your daily diet?
What grocery stores do you have near you?
Let’s look at your eye photos. OK, I can see a large lacuna in your right kidney.
What is your budget like for herbal formulas?
I would definitely recommend taking XYZ formula and the ABC formula.
I'm here to educate you, inform you and give you the tools for success.
Send anyone and everyone you know that needs answers to their health issues my way.
I have a passion and desire to help, and this skill of Detoxification is one of my means in doing so.
I look forward to helping you achieve health and vitality as quickly and efficiently as possible!
With gratitude,
Click on the button below to download the health assessment:
Send your completed assessment over to me via e-mail at:
Legal Disclaimer: None of this is medical advice. I am not a medical doctor and I don't cure or treat "Dis-ease." None of my writing on this website reflects the thoughts or opinions held by anyone else. In every circumstance, I am only giving my opinion and what I would do if it were me in anyone's particular situation, nothing more or less.